Being Cool in Blue Ice

Hi Matthias,

Yes Blue Ice is a weird name for a gelato shop right? I got some really good flavors which were Creme Carmel that tasted like butter and felt very buttery when you ate it and Roche Chocolate which had little coco balls and chocolate chips. My mom got lemon but when she tried the Creme Carmel she loved it so she traded with my dad who had Creme Carmel also. They each eat the last 1/2 of each other’s Gelato. I ate all but 1 bite of my Gelato. I thought it was the best Gelato on this trip… so far. Well today is my last day in Italy so see you in Croatia.

From Sydney 🙂 🙂

Chocolate Bar Gelato?

Hi Matthais,

Yep thats right I had a kinder bar flavored cup of Gelato. I wanted to have chocolate too but I decided not to. I was wearing a really nice jacket and was eating really messy food. But luckily it did not spill all over me. After I gobbled it down I ate some of my dad’s too. After that we went andWe all had Fanta and wine and enjoyed the view of the people walking up and down the promanode. Then I went to bed and that was that.

Bye from Sydney

After Lunch, Hungry For Desert

Dear Matthias,

Hi again, yes i ate gelato. I picked coco and coffee. The special topping was a thin waffle cone cookie. This time I wolfed both down at the same time. first I ate most of each then I let it melt into liquid , mixed it and ate it. Daddy ate lemon and it was not as good a lime. After i finished i had some of my friend’s who we hung out with today with her family. I miss them so much and can’t wait to see them again. Bye.
